"With cool, original story concepts, incredible, captivating and highly-detailed artwork, and a multi-issue continuity that will hook you by the lip like a big trout! "
"All in all, the mixture of comics throughout Outbound #1 was refreshing. Some stories I favored more than others and hope to follow up on them."
"Outbound is an impressive science fiction comics anthology. With all the continued stories you're either in for the long flight or you're grounded. I'm in. The two volumes easily earn their Midnight Fiction Favorite ranking."
"It's a well done book and I really appreciate that they aim for and mostly hit a kind of science fiction that evokes classic adventure tales without being nostalgic or campy."
by Comix Talk"Crazy-ass Pulp Scifi We Can't Wait to Read"
by IO9"...after driving into town to pick it up from the post office, I sat in the car for 20 minutes reading it before I pulled out of my parking space. I literally could not put it down."
"like Heavy Metal's early years, a couple stories that must only make sense if you're heavily into some sort of drug experience."
"Outbound ostensibly looks like the type of classic sci-fi books I remember picking up used at the second hand store of my youth for just a dime. It’s got a great retro sci-fi cover that certainly made me curious to see if the contents would live up to that appealing presentation."
노래방의 마법: 잊지 못할 추억을 만드는 공간
노래방은 단순한 음향시설이 아닌, 사람들의 소중한 추억이 만들어지는 특별한 공간입니다. 친구들과 함께 모여 즐겁게 노래를 부르면서
스트레스를 풀고, 서로의 목소리에 박수를 보내며 친밀감을 쌓는 경험은 그 어느 곳에서도 느낄 수 없는 마법 같은 순간입니다. 많은
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5 hours ago